Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kidney Stone the natural remedies

 The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products in our urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process toxins efficiently. Specifically, a crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up, causing pain, stones, and possible blockage of urine flow. Kidney stones vary in size. Once discovered, the primary treatment goal is to help the patient process them and pass them in the urine.
The following are some simple natural remedies and procedures to help soothe the discomfort of kidney stones, as well as speed up the body’s natural healing process.

Drink Water

Drink a minimum of six to eight 8 oz. glasses of water to produce urine. Drinking ample water can help a patient produce urine and help her pass the kidney stones. Drinking water also prevents dehydration. Dehydration can make it extremely difficult to pass the kidney stones. Patients should attempt to drink water at regular increments throughout the day to promote consistent production of urine. Drinking one glass of water each hour during the day is an easy way to get the minimum recommended daily amount.

1. Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Lemon Juice for Kidney Stones
This is one of the favorites and easily one of the most effective remedies for kidney stones and associated pain. At the first symptom of stone pain, mix    
           2 oz of organic olive oil
           2 oz of organic lemon or orange juice.
The Mayo Clinic states that the citric acid in orange or lemon juice helps break down the calcium in kidney stones.
Drink it straight and follow with a 12 ounce glass of  mineral water.

Wait 30 minutes.
Follow up recipe
           Squeeze the juice of:
                          1/2 lemon/ orange
                          in 12 ounces of purified water,
                          add 1 tablespoon of organic raw apple cider vinegar
                          and drink.
Repeat the follow up recipe every hour until symptoms improve.

Drink Black Tea

Drink a cup of black or green tea daily. Although it may not be effective to treat all patients’ kidney stones, the Mayo Clinic says that it can be helpful in preventing kidney stones or reducing the risk of their development.

2. Uva Ursi

Uva Ursi is a common folk remedy for kidney stones. Not only will it help fight off infection in the kidneys, but it may also help reduce pain and cleanse the urinary tract. 500mg three times a day is recommended for kidney stones.

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3. Dandelion Root

Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser.

4. Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans for Kidney Stones
The shape of this bean may be indicative of its healing potential. An effective urinary home remedy for kidney stones, traditionally the pods where used as a medicinal decoction.
Try removing the beans from inside the pods, and then boiling the pods in purified hot water for six hours. This liquid can be strained through cheese cloth, cooled and taken throughout the day for one day to ease kidney stone pain.

Heating pad

Use a heating pad to treat pain associated with passing kidney stones. A patient’s physician typically recommends an over-the-counter pain medication. For patients who prefer a natural treatment method, using a heating pad can help relieve pain near the ribs or abdomen in lieu of taking medication. Some patients also find relief by applying a warm compress to the affected area. A warm compress can be made by saturating a clean towel with warm water and wringing out the excess water.

5. Horsetail

A diuretic, horsetail tea is an effective natural remedy for kidney stones.
Drink up to 3-4 cups of horsetail tea daily or 2 grams of the herb in capsule form daily.

Pomegranates for Kidney Stones

6. Pomegranate Juice

We’ve all heard that pomegranates have many health benefits. But, more specifically, the seeds and juice of pomegranates can be considered another natural remedy for kidney stones. This may be related to their sour and astringent properties. Try eating organic pomegranates or drinking freshly-squeezed pomegranate juice.

7. Magnesium (all herbal)

Studies show that people with recurrent kidney stones who took magnesium supplements had a 92.3 percent improvement rate in reduction of kidney stones. 500 mg of magnesium supplement is recommended daily for prevention and reduction of stones.
iBalance - Magnesium helps Kidney stone formation and stops pain
"Magnesium' looks very promising' as a preventive of kidney stones," Dr. H. E. Sauberlich of the Army's Fitzsimons General Hospital in Denver told Health Bulletin.
"The new therapy is simply taking one capsule daily. Assisted by three researchers from the University of Colorado Medical School, Dr. Sauberlich prescribed this capsule for a group of volunteer patients who had histories of passing kidney stones. After only a very short time on these pills, he pointed out, the patients had no more stones. That happened with each of the patients he has followed up for as long as two years, Sauberlich added. No side effects have been encountered.

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8. Organic Celery

Celery for Kidney Stones
Both the vegetable and the celery seed are great diuretics and kidney tonics. Regular use of celery seed, as a spice or as a tea, may prevent kidney stone formation.

9. Basil

Basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney stones try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice with raw honey daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.

10. Change in Diet

Unhealthy food intake is a primary cause of kidney stones. Cut down on the amount of sodas and energy drinks you consume. Avoid processed foods and alcoholic beverages. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet, especially those listed above.
The remedies listed above are not intended to replace medical care. If you’re experiencing a lot of pain from kidney stones, see your doctor immediately. For optimal health, it is highly recommended to add Seermust to your daily diet to colon cleanse, liver and gallbladder cleanse and even harmful organism cleanse at least 3 times a week.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Did you know how to reverse your diabetes Naturally?

Food Therapy should be followed under the supervision from your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that sugar levels do not go beyond the recommended level
Foods to avoid
It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice-cream, cakes, pastries, sweet biscuits, chocolates, soft drinks, condensed milk, cream and fried foods. Fats like butter, ghee and hydrogenated vegetable oil should also be avoided. White sugar and white flour should be reduced drastically. Avoid all processed foods, junk food, pastries, cookies, canned and preserved foods. They contain harmful preservatives and lot of salt. Avoid soft drinks since these have a lot of sugar. Try to avoid fried foods from your diet.
Smoking results in the using up of oxygen in the body. It will result in less of oxygen needed by the body to metabolize glucose. So smoking should be avoided.

Foods to be limited
Salt consumption should be reduced to a minimum. You will get enough salt form the vegetables and fruits you eat. Reduce animal foods especially red meats. Reduce poultry and egg. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink tea and coffee more than 2 cups a day. Try to replace it with green tea or herbal teas like Parsley tea, Blueberry leaf, Tea made of tender walnut tree leaves, Water in which kidney bean pods have been cooked is good diabetes.

Do not consume alcohol in empty stomach. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause low blood glucose or hypoglycemia.Foods that should be consumed in moderation are honey and other natural sugars like palm sugar, dates which can be used instead of white sugar. Remember these should be consumed in very little quantity only.Pasta, coconut, other nuts, unsweetened juices, eggs should be limited. You can replace it with whole grain, unpolished rice and Soya products. 

Try to eat whole grain bread instead of white flour. Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are more advisable that hydrogenated fats. Low fat food like skimmed milk and low fat home made cottage cheese can be taken in moderation. You can also substitute it with yoghurt. Sea food and fish also can be taken in moderation.

Foods to be taken

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
An alkaline diet with natural food is recommended. Wholegrain, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and dairy products form a good diet for the diabetic. Raw vegetables can be taken in high quantities. It has been found that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than raw, unpeeled foods. Cooking destroys many of the enzymes and some vitamins and minerals.

Eat at least five fruits every day. Fruits like grape fruit, pomegranate juice, Indian blackberry, banana, granny smith apples, fig, cranberries, black berry, kiwi fruits, and citrus fruits are highly recommended. It can be taken as a snack.

Cucumber, Lettuce, onion, garlic string beans cucumber radish, tomato, carrot, leaves; spinach turnip, cabbage and Jerusalem artichoke are good for diabetes. Colorful vegetables are good for the functioning of pancreas. Drink Fruit juices without sugar. Brewer's yeast and sprouted alfalfa and mung beans are good for the body. Unripe banana also can be cooked and eaten.

The most important of all is eating high fiber diet which lowers need for insulin. It releases energy into the body slowly. It has also been found that diabetes decreases and may even disappear in people eating a high fiber or whole food diet. High fiber diet has more chromium and chromium is very good for people with diabetes.

Eat lot of potassium rich foods like raw peanuts, tomato, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk powder, wheat but do not take potassium supplements.

Include soluble fiber in your meals like barley, oatmeal, almond meal, dried beans, kidney beans, cooked black beans, peas, cereals, chickpeas, Bengal gram which has low glycemic index, , Black gram, lentils and corn or garbanzo beans to helps considerably in reducing blood sugar levels. Soy products like tofu, tempeh, soymilk, soya powder, soy bean sprouts, nuggets etc are also very good in containing neurological complications in diabetes.

You can make bread out of any of the whole grains. Get a lot of soluble fiber into your diet. When you eat lots of bread, cereal and starchy vegetables you will get enough of starches which is very helpful for diabetes. Insoluble fibers, found in bran (oat bran, wheat bran), whole grain breads, whole grains and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleaning out the lower gastrointestinal tract. Fiber cleans your intestinal tract by moving out the food so that it wouldn't stay there and putrefy. Butter milk and yoghurt diet are very beneficial.
Helpful herbs and vegetables
1. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Bitter gourd Momordica-charantia or bitter melon juice contains plant insulin and should be taken 2 ounce 2 times daily on an empty stomach. It is found to be very effective for diabetes.
It can be cooked as any vegetable and eaten.
The bitter melon powder can be made by drying. Take bitter gourd powder I teaspoon daily in empty stomach.

2. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day may help prevent the onset of diabetes. Even soaking a cinnamon sticks in your tea, could also benefit non-diabetics who have blood sugar problem but are unaware of it.

3. 30 gram fenugreek seeds can be soaked in a glass of water at night and after 12 hours take it and grind it into a paste with the soaked water and drink it on a empty stomach.
2 teaspoon if powdered seeds can be taken with water or milk.
You can add fenugreek into anything you cook.

4. Eating upto 3 grapefruits a day has also been helpful.

5. 1 tablespoon of amla (Emblica officinalis) after removing the seeds extract the juice and mix with a cup of bitter gourd juice and take daily for 2months in a empty stomach.

6. Gymnema Sylvestre a traditional ayurvedic herb the leaf of which is to be taken up to 4 grams per day.

7. Indian blackberry seeds or Jamun seed powder (scientific name of Jamun is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini L and) is very good for diabetes. Take 1/4th teaspoon with 1 teasoon honey for 50 days.

8. Eating freshly crushed raw garlic 3-4 grams a day lowers blood sugar. You can wash it down with a glass of water.

9. Neem seeds daily 2 times a pinch. Taking a gram of neem leaf daily helps in diabetes.

10. Bael (Aegle marmelos) : The leave of the bael tree when chewed are very useful in diabetes. Pulp of this fruit could be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 gms a day.

11. A pinch of pure turmeric powders mixed in amla juice (Indian goose berry) and eat daily in empty stomach.

12. Use of turmeric and gooseberry in equal quantities in powder form taken with warm water is very useful in this behalf. These activate the pancreatic cells and more insulin is produced.

13. Wild jeerakam cumin seeds black colored 60 gm in 1 liter and boil a reduce it ti 1/4th liter and take half divide it into two equal parts and drink one part in the morning and one in the evening 2 times daily.

14. Grind (Bacopa monnieri )Bhrahmi and add a teaspoon of it to milk and drink.


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Ginger in "iBalance - Diabetes" has been used for centuries in Asia as a curative for everything from an upset stomach and motion sickness to high blood pressure and diabetes. It's known for anti-oxidant properties that aid the body by reducing swelling and aiding circulation. "iBalance - Diabetes" significantly and naturally reduces the disruptive effect of elevated blood sugar on stomach rhythm and helps maintain a normal rate of stomach emptying. It also helps prevent abnormalities in stomach that could lead to constipation, heartburn, and ulceration.

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Vitamins that help
Supplements in natural forms are more conducive to the body.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C: 500 mg is recommended. Vitamin E: This vitamin is very valuable for diabetes. A daily dose of 200 i.u. of Vitamin E is recommended for a fortnight at a time.
Chromium: Whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, corn oil and brewer's yeast are relatively good sources of biologically valuable chromium.

Vitamin A:. Take A dose of 15,000i.u. on alternate days.
Vitamin B: Avoid large dosage of vitamin B because this vitamin interferes with the absorption of insulin by cells.

Things to do

Controlling your Weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Exercise improves the body's response to insulin. An exercise program should be started only with the advice of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, light games, jogging and swimming are also good.

Yoga can help a lot. To relieve stress do meditation once a day for 10 to 40 minutes. Yogic asanas like Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Talasana, Yastikasana,, like Yogamudra, Hastapadasana, Paschimottanasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana and Viparitakarani, as halasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, Pratipaksabhavana and shavasana will also be beneficial.


To be Continue...
Other super food links:
Reverse your diabetes with Seeermust, the Garlic Sauce

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Unexpected foods to help you lose weight

It’s no secret that losing weight isn’t easy; in fact, it can be downright frustrating. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss is not just about exercising vigorously or eating a diet of solely fruits and vegetables. Whether it’s because they speed up your metabolism or because they keep you feeling full, there are some foods that can help you lose weight, despite not being considered “healthy.”

String cheese is the perfect quick snack for any time of day – its small packaging allows for easy storage in your purse or briefcase. String cheese is naturally low in calories, does not contain carbohydrates and is a lean protein, so you will feel full without having consumed too many calories. From a nutritional perspective, string cheese provides valuable amounts of calcium and vitamin A. Please be cautious, however, as string cheese often contains higher levels of sodium, it may not be appropriate for those on low-sodium diets. To help reduce the sodium content, soak it in water before eating.

Apples and pears are low in calories, yet packed with fiber, which can help you feel full and control your appetite. Furthermore, the high pectin levels in apples can help slow digestion and create a feeling of fullness. Pears contain 12 percent of your daily suggested intake of vitamin C, which research suggests can help maintain a low body fat percentage. When choosing pears and apples, aim to eat organic – they’ve been shown to contain less pesticide residues.

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All-natural almond butter is loaded with protein and fiber. Together, they help you feel full and maintain this feeling longer, so naturally, you’ll eat less. Research has shown that people who added 500 calories of peanuts to their regular diet consumed less at meals and increased their resting metabolism by 11 percent. Be cautious when choosing your peanut butter: Read the ingredients and nutrition facts to ensure that it does not contain too much added sugar.

Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which recent research has shown may increase energy expenditure and may prevent the formation of new fat cells. Before you begin sprinkling this spice on all your meals, know that this research has not been carried out in humans – more research is needed before confirming pepper’s effects on weight loss. Still, other peppers, such as jalapenos or chili peppers, have been shown to have modest effects on metabolism because of the compound which gives them their infamous heat, capsaicin.

Air-popped popcorn, in stark contrast to its cousin movie theater popcorn, contains few calories and is full of fiber, which will help you keep you feeling full. The hull of popcorn contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that may also have disease-fighting properties. When preparing popcorn, don’t add tons of butter and salt. Instead, choose sodium-free seasonings or herbs to keep it healthy. Pesky popcorn hull, which often lodges itself between your gums and teeth, can also get caught in the stomach and intestines of those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery or who have diverticulitis, so this food may not be appropriate for this population.

As a general rule, moderation is key when it comes to weight loss: moderate exercise, moderate calorie-cutting, etc. It’s best to not make very drastic changes in your lifestyle; you want to be able to maintain your exercise regimen and healthful eating habits for the long term.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pills made Specifically for You!

Pills made Specifically for You

Here's a dirty little secret about the little pills you pop: nearly 99.9 percent of the tablet is useless. Only a thousandth of a pill contains the active ingredients that are supposed to make you feel better.

The rest of the pill is just filler so it's large enough for you to pick it up.

If you think that sounds wasteful, you're not alone. Researchers at the University of Leeds, Durham University, and GlaxoSmithKline have teamed up to create pills that are made to order.

Making pills means literally making custom natural pills with the active ingredients made for your specific needs. That means pills could be individually made for each patient to fit their medical needs and one pill could potentially hold more than one type of medication.

Right now, medications are manufactured by the millions in a one-size-fits-all way. Custom natural pills would change all that. Instead of the active ingredients being encased to be useful for one medical need, they would be useful and address many medical discomforts. All-in-one capsules or pills.

And since the active ingredients are all herbal and natural, they act safe and more quickly. That's more accurate and cost effective than chemical pills and with the current system.

Custom natural Pills are particularly helpful to anyone who prescribes several medications. If your grandparents (or parents!) are anything like mine, they probably have one of those pill boxes to keep track of which pills they are supposed to take on which days of the week. There are some days when my grandmother has to take almost a dozen pills. Custom natural pills could put the active ingredients from all of those medications onto just one pill for her to take each day.
iBalance has made it possible for you to take advantage of this upcoming technology NOW.  The custom pills not only are natural, they are better and more convenient to consume, since they can be taken with or without food. Order your own custom pills now and indicate your specific discomfort. Ex. diabetes, high blood pressure, joint discomfort and so on here:

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Kiwi protects an array of eye diseases!

what are the health benefits of kiwi
The kiwi, originally called the Chinese gooseberry and later the “sunny peach”, was renamed the kiwi by New Zealand natives after their national bird. There are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, much like grapes are cultivated.
Kiwi fruits are rich in many Vitamins, flavonoids and minerals. In particular, they contain a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges), as much potassium as bananas and a good amount of beta-carotene.
health benefits of kiwis
  what are the health benefits of kiwi
The kiwi, a nutrient-dense fruit with almost no fat and only 42 calories, is more than a delicious, healthy snack. Eating two to three kiwis per day could protect you from an array of eye diseases, including cataracts, and vision loss from macular degeneration. Its mineral content offers benefits to your nervous system and circulatory functions as well. It pairs well with other fruits in fruit salad or smoothies, and you can add it to salsa or your cereal for extra nutrients. 
what are the health benefits of kiwi

Researchers exploring the potential positive features of the kiwi fruit have conducted several studies involving children and adults. A study in Italy indicated that children had less trouble with wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing in the night when they consumed 5-7 servings of kiwi or citrus fruit a week. Asthma sufferers were found to derive the most benefit from the kiwi, even when eaten as few as 1-2 times a week. Another study demonstrated that eating 2-3 kiwi fruits a day can reduce the potential for blood clots and decrease triglycerides. This study also cited the kiwi’s ability to protect and repair the body from DNA damage, which could protect against cancer.
health benefits of kiwis
  • Disease Prevention
    • Fiber: Kiwi provides 16% of the RDA for fiber and has a role in the prevention of constipation and some cancers.
    • Phytonutrients: Kiwis have phytonutrients, which repair DNA, act as the body’s protection against some cancers, and function as antioxidants.
  • Vitamins      
    • Folic Acid: Kiwi provides 10% of the RDA for folic acid, which is important for expectant mothers and works to produce red blood cells.
    • Vitamin C: One serving of kiwi gives enough Vitamin C, which helps heal wounds, increase iron absorption, and boost the immune system.
    • Vitamin E: Kiwi contains Vitamin E that decreases the risk of heart disease.
  • Minerals
    • Calcium: Kiwi provides Calcium.
    • Chromium: Kiwi aids in regulating heartbeats.
    • Copper: Kiwi contains Copper.
    • Iron: Kiwi provides 4% of the RDA for Iron.
    • Magnesium: Kiwi contains Magnesium, which  can enhance your energy level.
    • Potassium: Kiwi aids in fluid maintenance.
    • Zinc: Kiwi helps keep hair, skin, teeth, and nails healthy.
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Selecting, Storing, and Eating a Kiwi
How do I choose a kiwi?
  • Look for a fruit that is plump and fragrant with no visible bruising or wrinkles and a slightly firm feel
What if I chose a fruit that isn’t yet ripe?
  • Kiwis ripen quickly when placed in either a paper or plastic bag with a banana. However, once they are ripened, store them away from other fruit or they will decompose more quickly!

what are the health benefits of kiwi

How long are kiwis good for once I buy them?
  • Ripe kiwi fruit can last in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.
Can I eat the skin?
  • You can, but wash carefully to remove unwanted pesticides! Rub it a bit to minimize the fuzz. The skin actually provides more fiber to your sweet snack. If you’re not fond of the fuzzy exterior, simply “sloop” it out by slicing the kiwi in half horizontally and spooning out each end to enjoy.  
Here are a few delicious snack recipe with Kiwi:
health benefits of kiwis

Kiwi Jam


Original recipe makes 5 cups Change Servings
24 kiwis, peeled and mashed
3/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
3 apples, unpeeled and halved
4 cups white sugar

 what are the health benefits of kiwi


  1. In a large saucepan, combine 3 cups mashed kiwi, pineapple juice, lemon juice and apples. Bring to a boil and then add the sugar; stir to dissolve, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  2. Sterilize the jars and lids in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. Pack the jam into the hot, sterilized jars, filling the jars to within 1/4 inch of the top. Run a knife or a thin spatula around the insides of the jars after they have been filled to remove any air bubbles. Wipe the rims of the jars with a moist paper towel to remove any food residue. Top with lids, and screw on rings.
  3. Place a rack in the bottom of a large stockpot and fill halfway with water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then carefully lower the jars into the pot using a holder. Leave a 2 inch space between the jars. Pour in more boiling water if necessary until the water level is at least 1 inch above the tops of the jars. Bring the water to a full boil, cover the pot, and process for 10 minutes.

health benefits of kiwis

Kiwi Banana Shake

1 1/2 cups ice
1 -2 kiwi (or more if you love kiwi)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 -2 banana (used for taste and thickening)

Throw this all in a blender and pulse and/or just puree the heck out of it until you have the consistency you like.

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How to lower blood pressure drug-free

Exercise and Seermustcan lower your blood pressure

Medications designed to treat hypertension do not relieve the underlying causes, and are not always effective at lowering blood pressure. Over 50 percent of patients find that medication alone does not control their hypertension.
The good news is that lifestyle changes can help over 85 percent of those suffering from hypertension. Develop an exercise plan with the help of your doctor that incorporates aerobic exercise and strength training. Start slowly and aim to exercise consistently at least five days per week.  Reduce stress through yoga, meditation or prayer.
Dr. Mercola advises cutting out foods that are rapidly converted to sugar, such as pasta, bread, potatoes, rice and cereal. In addition, he recommends cutting out foods that are high in fructose, including fruit like mangoes, raisins and grapes.
Physician and author Matilda Parente, MD, recommends the following foods as part of an overall healthy lifestyle to reduce hypertension or prevent it.
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Ginger Root:

Ginger acts to stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscles surrounding blood vessels. In the process it helps in lowering blood pressure. It has other benefits as well like improved flow of blood to the skin. A pinch of ginger in your meals should help to regulate your blood pressure. However, expectant mothers should check the quantity required with the doctor.




This herb is commonly used in Chinese and Indian cuisine. When you include raw garlic in your diet for 4-5 weeks, blood pressure drops. It is a well known blood thinner and has many other health benefits. Read more


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Rosemary and Cinnamon:

Rosemary is an aromatic herb which can help you lower blood
Sprinkle a little rosemary leaves on your meals each day and the blood pressure will reduce with time. Although Cinnamon is used widely in India as spice, the herb is a powerful antioxidant and lowers blood pressure.

Kale, collards and other leafy greens: These plants are easy to grow in your own yard and are high in fiber and vitamin A, and low in sugars. Recent research suggests that inorganic nitrates, found in these plants, may relax the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely. Plant leafy greens in early spring, as soon as the soil is soft.
Green peas: Green peas also contain plenty of fiber and vitamins. Plant them early in the spring since peas tend to wither and dwindle when temperatures rise.

Tomatoes: The chemical lycopene, responsible for tomato’s bright color, is also a powerful antioxidant. Buy disease-free tomato plants and wait until after the last frost to plant them.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain fiber, vitamin A and antioxidants, as well. Sweet potatoes need warm temperatures and a long growing season to mature.

Winter squash: Also high in fiber, beta carotene and vitamin A, winter squash need plenty of room, fertile soil and a long growing season.

Berries: Dr. Parente says a recent study found that eating a cup of blueberries or strawberries weekly may prevent high blood pressure. Strawberries grow well in full sun and moist, rich soil. Blueberries, on the other hand, have very specific growing needs. Unless your soil is very acidic (4.5 to 5.5) you’re probably better off buying fresh or frozen berries.

Apricots: Apricots are a good source of fiber and potassium, which has been shown to reduce or prevent high blood pressure. Apricots thrive in climates with warm summers and mild winters. Avoid dried apricots, since they contain more sugar.

Bananas: Also high in potassium, bananas help remove excess sodium from the body, says Dr. Parente.

Cantaloupe: High in potassium and beta carotene, cantaloupe is refreshing alone, in fruit salads or blended in smoothies. Grow it in full sun in moist, rich soil.

Incorporating Seermustinto your diet may do more than just reduce your blood pressure. Seermustare low in calories, aiding in weight loss, and you’ll probably have more energy, as well.

How much exercise do you need?

Flexibility and strengthening exercises such as lifting weights are an important part of an overall fitness plan, but it takes aerobic activity to control high blood pressure. And you don't need to spend hours in the gym every day to benefit. Simply adding moderate physical activities to your daily routine will help.
Any physical activity that increases your heart and breathing rates is considered aerobic exercise, including:
  • Household chores, such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves or scrubbing the floor
  • Active sports, such as basketball or tennis
  • Climbing stairs
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Bicycling
  • Swimming
Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week. If you can't set aside that much time at once, remember that shorter bursts of activity count, too. You can break up your workout into three 10-minute sessions of aerobic exercise and get the same benefit as one 30-minute session.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ginger is good for Menopause!

Ginger is a herb but is often known as a spice, with a strong distinct flavor that can increase the production of saliva.

Medicinal properties of ginger has been known to have throughout history. For centuries, ginger has been used as an effective cure when it comes to common cough and cold. Even when the symptoms become severe, using this as tea will alleviate sore throat, itchiness, coughing and even blocked nasal passages.

The extract of ginger is also known to have natural analgesics and sedative properties. It also has carminative properties. That is why, for people who are experiencing dyspepsia or stomach ailments, ginger is an effective remedy. The health benefits of ginger for the digestive and gastrointestinal tract do not end there yet. The components that ginger has, such as shogaols and gingerols, can resolve vomiting and nausea.

Here is a list of few health benefits of ginger:

  • antiemetic/antinausea
  • anticlotting agent
  • antispasmodic
  • antifungal
  • anti inflammatory
  • antiseptic
  • antibacterial
  • antiviral
  • antitussive
  • analgesic
  • circulatory stimulant
  • carminative
  • expectorant
  • hypotensive
  • increases blood flow
  • promotes sweating
  • relaxes peripheral blood vessels

  • Cancer
    The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found out through their research that ginger can also destroy ovarian cancer cells. Aside from that, it also gives plenty of benefits for people who are suffering from colon cancer. The University studied how ginger could hinder the progression of colorectal cancer cells.


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    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death among American men. Ginger may help to prevent heart disease, as it is a good source of vitamin B-6, magnesium and potassium. While high vitamin B-6 intake lowers your risk of heart disease, magnesium and potassium can help to lower your blood pressure.


    Diabetes affects nearly 12 percent of men over the age of 20 in the United States. As part of a healthy diet, ginger may play a role in the treatment of diabetes due to its . The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that manganese and magnesium content these minerals help to regulate blood sugar in both diabetic and non-diabetic men, with blood concentrations of these minerals lower than average in people with diabetes. As such, ginger may be essential to preventing both the development of and complications that may arise from diabetes in men.

    Sex and Neurological

    Ginger content includes potassium, magnesium, vitamin B-6 and manganese. These minerals are essential to neurological health. By helping to form and trigger the release of the sex hormone testosterone, manganese is vital to your sex drive and sperm production. While the University of Maryland Medical Center states that it is rare to develop a manganese deficiency, having insufficient amounts in your diet may lead to infertility and erectile disorders.


    According to an article published in "Social Science & Medicine," ginger has been used to treat the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. If these symptoms are bothering you, ginger can be infused with hot water and drunk as a tea.
    People have been experiencing the many health benefits of ginger for ages; it is time that you see it as more than just an ingredient for your dishes, but also as a powerful natural remedy.
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    Buying tip:

    Fresh ginger should be plump and crisp, not shrunken or fibrous. Store unpeeled ginger in the vegetable crisper of your fridge for up to two weeks. Freeze leftovers for up to six months: Break it into 1- to 2-inch pieces and defrost as needed. Dried ginger has a warmer, more pungent flavor than fresh; don't substitute one for the other

    Check out the following videos for how and what to make with ginger, courtesy of

    Ingredients and instructions
    Enjoy and stay healthy. Lets medicine our food and don't become the laboratory mice for the pharmaceutical companies.

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